□ Be responsible for leading the local implementation team of projects and programs on schedule using Nexteer Customer Program Implement (CPI) in advance of launch when required.□ Coordinate all local cross-functional interdepartmental activities required by CPI process□ Be responsible for leading the program launch to CPI Flawless Launch Process.□ Facilitate regular review meetings to communicate project and program status and activities.□ Participate in development of engineering, quality and manufacturing documents, such as Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA), Control Plan (CP), Work Instructions (WI).□ Use and maintain local documents for tracking and reporting, such as CPI Process Reviews, Design Reviews, Delivery Boards, Flawless Launch Readiness Reviews, Launch Boards, G1132 Manufacturing Checklist, and management presentations.□ search for program risk in advance and mitigate the risk or report it to management.□ Support problem solving and root-cause analysis activities□ Follow Internal Control (IC) procedures, and resolve any non-compliance issues.□ Lead prototype and off-tool sample builds□ Response to project cost and timing estimations □ Support Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) for engineering and manufacturing cost reductions□ To be the key coordinator of the localization project
- 汽车·摩托车
- 500-999人
- 外商独资·外企办事处
- 柳东新区花岭片区C区15、16号标准厂房
投资拓展岗位(J63330) 20000-35000元武侯区 应届毕业生 本科贝壳找房(北京)科技有限公司
商业内容审查小组长(六险一金 行政班) 7000-10000元青白江区 应届毕业生 大专德阳阅川科技有限公司
物业客服 面议双流区 应届毕业生 不限成都青羊万达广场商业管理有限公司
建筑设计经理(长沙)-大悦城华南 面议双流区 应届毕业生 不限中粮集团有限公司
中粮观澜祥云项目策划经理-大悦城华南(底薪 提成) 8000元以上双流区 应届毕业生 不限中粮集团有限公司
新都区-北欧知识城肯德基餐厅员工 3000-4000元新都区 应届毕业生 不限百胜餐饮(成都)有限公司