一、阎蒂(di yan)教授课题组简介
阎蒂(di yan)教授为四川大学华西医院特聘教授,课题组主要从事影像引导肿瘤精准适应性治疗研发。阎蒂(di yan)教授是国际著名医学物理专家,来华西医院之前为美国oakland university/beaumont school of medicine, michigan学校教授。阎蒂(di yan)教授个人简介如下:
a.positions and honors
positions and employment
chief of physics, radiation oncology, beaumont health system, michigan
professor, oakland university/beaumont school of medicine, royal oak, michigan
adjunct professor, medical physics, oakland university, michigan
adjunct professor, radiation oncology, wayne state university, school of medicine
academic/professional activities and honors
2020 guest professor, institute of physics, wuhan university, china
2017 phd advisor, radiation oncology, münchen university, münchen, germany
2016 "adaptive radiation therapy” one of the 25 most important pmb publications
2014 member of advisory panel of art, pmh, toronto, canada
2013 co-chair, rtog 0815, us
2010 phd advisor, gcoe center for medical system innovation (cmsi), university of tokyo
2009 guest editor, seminars in radiation oncology, april 2010 issue
2008 committee member, radiation physics committee of the research council, astro
2008 committee member, therapy image science committee, aapm
2006 fellow of american association medical physics
2006 member of advisory panel of hci po1, mskcc, new york
2005 ad hoc member of nih/nci p01 grant review panel
2002 ad hoc member of nih/nci r01 grant review panel
2001 ad hoc member of nih/nci p01 grant review panel
b.academic achievement
federal & industrial research grants
principle investigators (8) and investigators (11) for 12 federal research grants and 7 industrial research grants
publications(articles in peer-reviewed journals)
authors of 164 scientific papers & 11 book chapters
invited speaker
invited speaker for 61 international/national conferences, symposiums and seminars
seven technology patents
1. 全职从事博士后研究工作,具备较强的事业心,有志于从事科学研究,能够独立开展科研工作,具有良好的沟通合作能力和团队精神,与临床诊疗人员进行良好的合作;
2. 已获得或即将获得理工科博士,医学及生物学等相关专业博士学位
3. 具有较强的科研及数据分析能力
4. 熟悉计算机算法及编程
5. 发表高水平研究论文者优先。
1. 按规定享受四川大学华西医院职工待遇;
2. 基本年薪包括基本工资、岗位绩效、各项补贴、五险一金(个人部分)、社保(单位部分)、住房公积金(单位部分)和年终奖励绩效。业绩突出者可享受专职博士后科研业绩奖励;
3. 提供参加各种国际、国内学术交流机会,支持并协助申请国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金,以及其他各类科研基金项目;
1. 请有意向且符合条件者,将个人简历、研究经历、代表性学术论文以及其他证明本人能力的pdf格式有关材料发送至以下邮箱:dyanmay31@gmail.com,邮件主题命名“申请华西博士后-姓名-联系电话”;
2. 通过材料初审者参加面试,具体时间、地点另行通知。应聘者报名材料予以保密;
3. 联系人:阎蒂老师,联系电话:186 0081 4435,e-mail:dyanmay31@gmail.com